Enforcement Actions Against Certified Interior Designers

Complaint procedures and disciplinary actions against Certified Interior Designers are set forth in the California Council for Interior Design Certification (CCIDC) Administrative Rules and Regulations.

CCIDC has received complaints against the following designers and the CCIDC Board of Directors has followed the appropriate course of review in accordance with the CCIDC Bylaws and Administrative Rules and Regulations. 


CID Name CID# Location Complaint Date Disposition Date Certification Status
Linda Pastor Hodnett #5594 San Diego, CA 12/29/2024 1/25/2025 6-Month Suspension
Coursework required prior to reinstatement.
Richard Kaleh #1923 West Hollywood, CA 3/10/2013 5/1/2013 Permanently Revoked
Sheila Hupp #5983 Lake Forest, CA 8/11/2010 5/14/2011 Permanently Revoked
Stephen M. Sharp #2940 El Segundo, CA 3/8/2005 6/11/2008 Permanently Revoked
Dennie Fidler #1414 Las Vegas, NV 7/16/2012 12/11/2006 Permanently Revoked
Dennie Fidler #1414 Oxnard, CA 11/25/2005 12/11/2006 Permanently Revoked
Dennie Fidler #1414 Westlake Village, CA 11/6/2005 12/11/2006 Permanently Revoked
Bruce Wesley Garrick
AKA. Bruce Grisinger
#5871 La Quinta and Beverly Hills, CA 6/25/2002 12/23/2004 Permanently Revoked
Donna J. Johnson #1173 Carlsbad, Newport Beach and Palm Desert, CA 2/2/1998 9/11/1999 Permanently Revoked

* Certification Expired with Action Pending means the designer in question has allowed, or voluntarily chosen, to let their “Certified Interior Designer” status in California “Expire” and should they ever choose to reactivate their Certification agree to hear the complaint filed against them through the CCIDC Board of Directors.

* Certification Expired with Action Pending means the designer in question has allowed, or voluntarily chosen, to let their “Certified Interior Designer” status in California “Expire” and should they ever choose to reactivate their Certification agree to hear the complaint filed against them through the CCIDC Board of Directors.

Every effort is made to ensure that the following information is correct. Before making any decision based upon this information, please contact CCIDC to obtain further information.