Meet The CCIDC Board of Directors:

Executive Board


George Brazil
George BrazilResidential Director
George Brazil is a Certified Interior Designer as well as a professional member of ASID, he is a Past-President of the California North chapter.
George is principal and co-owner at his eponymous firm SagreraBrazil Design, with over 25 years as a practicing interior designer.

Vice Chair

Kathryn Hampton
Kathryn HamptonMulti-Discipline Director
Kathryn graduated from Louisiana Tech University, cum laude, with a Bachelor of Fine Arts Degree in Interior Design; she is is a Certified Interior Designer, Commercial Designation and an *independent interior designer. Kathryn worked in large corporate interior design firms prior to founding K2S studio in 2015. Kathryn was a part of the 2022 IDEX® Exam Review Task Force.


Julissa Garcia
Julissa GarciaCommercial Director
Julissa Garcia is the Principal/Owner of, a planning and design firm located in San Diego, California. She is a Certified Designer with over 25 years of years of building industry experience specializing in commercial planning and design, ADA compliance, and building code regulatory adherence.

Julissa is the 2024 ICC San Diego Chapter President and an associate member of the IIDA.


Taylor Stead
Taylor SteadPublic Director
Taylor Stead is a Public Member of the CCIDC Board. She is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist. Taylor received a Master of Arts in Marital and Family Therapy from the University of San Diego. She has Extensive experience and training in individual, family, and group therapy working with severely and chronically mentally ill adults and substance use disorders.


Patricia Johnson
Patricia JohnsonSustainability Director
Patricia Johnson is a Certified Interior Designer and a Code Review consultant for the city of Livermore, CA. Prior to creating her own code reviewing business; Patricia held positions as Captain, Deputy Fire Marshal and Fire Marshal at UC Davis, in Davis CA and Deputy Fire Marshal for the Santa Clara County Fire Department.
Caryn Menches
Caryn MenchesEducation Director
Caryn Menches is a California Certified Interior Designer and the Principal Designer/Owner of Modern Lotus Interiors in Orange County, California.

Caryn started as an insurance claims adjuster reviewing Residential Property Inspection and Estimating in Catastrophe areas throughout the country for nearly a decade. That experience gives Caryn that “extra edge” and definitely a step above in her field, she has expert knowledge of building codes, construction protocols, building materials, and more. She teaches code-based courses at Fullerton College.

OPEN BOARD POSITIONSVacancies to be filled at the 2025 Annual Board Meeting
CCIDC is accepting applications for the following Board positions:
Hospitality Director
Residential Director
Public Director
Go to the CCIDC website homepage for more information and to apply.