CERTIFIED Certification status is in Good Standing
DELINQUENT Certification has expired for 1-4 years** (either renewal fees or Continuing Education Requirements have not been met).
EMERITUS Emeritus Status for Semi-Retired CIDs, do not have stamp, but are CIDs in Good Standing
RETIRED Retired CID, Certification no longer valid.
EXPIRED Certification has expired for longer than 5 years
EXPIRED WITH ACTION PENDING Certification has expired for longer than 5 years and has Complaints filed against them
REVOKED Certification has been permanently Revoked
SUSPENDED Certification has been suspended by Board due to Complaint for determined period of time

** If the CID’s expiration date has not passed, but the status says “Delinquent,” they have only met 50% of their requirements to renew their certification. They have paid their fees but they have not met the Continuing Education (CEU) requirements. Once their CEU Requirements are fulfilled, they will be in good standing.